
The Huntleigh Woods Variety Hour: Our show begins in a television studio in the 1950s before a live studio audience. The director gives instructions to the audience and introduces the host, Huntleigh Woods. Huntleigh, as hosts do, introduces each of the acts including the famous Willson Scholars of Mobile Opera who perform classical arias with the Huntleigh Woods Orchestra. Nom de Fume perfume, one of the sponsors, is touted by the ever-popular Sugar Creek. After a return visit by the Willson Scholars, the featured presentation of the current episode of Gallantry begins. The announcer, Belle Chase, presents a commercial for Lochinvar Soap, sponsor of the ‘soap opera’ Gallantry. The episode opens with eminent surgeon, Dr. Gregg, declaring his love for anesthetist, Lola Markham. Lola, although she admires Dr. Gregg as a physician, is engaged to Donald Hopewell. When Doctor Gregg tries to kiss her, she slaps him. As they prepare for the appendectomy, Belle interrupts with a commercial for Billy Boy Wax, “the waxy wax that spells relax.” We return to the operating room where Lola realizes that the patient is none other than her fiancé, Donald. A chance remark by Donald reveals that Doctor Gregg is married. After she anesthetizes Donald, Lola confronts the doctor and threatens to expose him. She prevents him from stabbing the helpless Donald with his scalpel, and he chases her out of the room. Donald wakes alone.  Lola returns and warns him about the doctor while Belle introduces the closing commercial for Lochinvar.  Lola and Donald sing of their love for each other while Doctor Gregg and Belle extoll the virtues of Lochinvar Soap and Billy Boy Wax. To be continued…